My Journey
In March 2018, my body was racked with unexplainable pain which kept me up all night long. My husband and I were praying and quoting healing scriptures. I was running from room to room screaming and crying. After running to the emergency room four times in one week and sent back home, I was hospitalized. After 20 days in the hospital and 15 days on four narcotics (Dilaudid, Oxycodone, Morphine and Fentanyl) around the clock, the pain would not stop. I was transferred from one hospital to the next because doctors had exhausted their treatments with no change. My labs did not support any of their theories so they were perplexed. My heart was dangerously racing behind 165. My mother, an experienced nurse of 46 years advised that I could no longer take the narcotics. It was 1AM in the morning when my nurse came in to ask if I wanted her to page the doctor. She knew the constant routine of pain every two hours and sometimes it would decide to hit earlier before I could have the next scheduled medication. I responded, “yes page the doctor.” At that time, I was not in pain however, I was anticipating it. I was fearful of what was to come. Immediately, I heard the scripture, 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind.” I told the nurse “No do not page the doctor.” The word of God delivered me. From that point on the pain never returned. I spent five additional days in the hospital and things seemed to be improving. April 6th was my discharge day and I was excited to get in my pink Cadillac and go home to my family. Once I got home, my lungs were being attacked and I was having great difficulty breathing. I was at muscle death and extremely weak. The simplest task of rolling over in bed was difficult for me. Doctors diagnosed me with three rare autoimmune disorders and one led to Interstitial Lung disease. I was on 60 mg of steroids, 10 other medications and 13 supplements daily for six months. In my darkest hour, God gave me these three words, PRAY, FIGHT, PUSH. I spoke them to encourage myself daily just to do the simplest task like lifting my leg. I put these three words into action. PRAY- Without Ceasing. PRAY and Believing. FIGHT– This Battle’s Not Yours, it belongs to the Lord. Let God Fight It! PUSH – Through the PAIN. Don’t Give Up and Don’t Give In! The journey continued for two years and still does today. I am determined to keep my focus because I’m walking in God’s Purpose. I am grateful for God’s Healing Power.
Everyday is a Pray Fight Push Day!