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Pray Fight Push
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I am a God Designed Super Star who will be seen and heard on a huge platform as I motivate, love on and encourage others to live their very best life.  I am a Wife, Mother, First Lady, Friend and a Feisty Leader that is determined to WIN! 

I am a…. PRAY || FIGHT || PUSH Woman! 

I am called to minister to women in the “Fight of their life.”  In my darkest hour, God gave me these three words of hope.  Not only did I speak them, but I put them into ACTION.  My heart’s desire is to INSPIRE and EQUIP you to do the same.  

If you ever experience CHRONIC PAIN in your life that will NOT let up, not even a BREAK!!!! Perhaps, it is physical, mental, emotional or financial. The easiest thing to do is Give Up! God Said – PRAY FIGHT PUSH!  

The Pray Fight Push Woman’s Strength Comes From Above. 

Robyn K. Barnwell

  1. Give hope to people in the Fight of their Life
  2. Equip them to NEVER give up when life happens
  3. Remind them that God is in control! 
  4. Bring awareness to the struggles of Auto Immune Disorders and other physical ailments, depression, single mothers, Domestic Violence etc.…   
  5. Provide necessities, services and gifts to minister to women in the fight

Only God

can change your life

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